
Dienstag, 20. August 2024 bis Dienstag, 20. August 2024

Diagnostics for practitioners: Hypoadrenocorticism

Veranstaltungsort: Online 19.00 - 19:45 Uhr

Diagnostic tests for hypoadrenocorticism in dogs and cats Often referred to as ´The Great Pretender´, hypoadrenocorticism can be notoriously difficult to diagnose. To help you overcome this challenge we offer the perfect webseminar including all: from the clinical signs to the available tests and their interpretation. Together we will address these questions and more, including when to suspect hypoadrenocorticism in cats.

Kontakt:  Laboklin GmbH & Co KG

Link:  https://app.seminarmanagercloud.de/58/kl/bp/R9zmvq_uyE2erFG7gG5p0g